Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thoughts on Action Research

Action research is not necessarily a new concept, however its utilization in an educational setting is quite innovative. The thought that the core of the research you gather as a leader is centered around a topic you intend to improve is provocative. As educators we are continually implementing research based practices, so why not you be the one to do the research rather than relying on researchers that are removed from the campus setting. As the administrator on campus you are the leader, you are driving the vehicle for change. We are continually telling students to lead by example, so what better opportunity.
Through my participation in Professional Learning Communities, or PLC's I have partaken in action research without my realizing. The collaboration of teachers in the communities allow for reflection and correlations to be made between best practice and student achievement.
Action research provides opportunity for the leader to be transparent to their followers. Often leaders feel the need to have all the answers; when in all actuality that is impossible. With that being said, using reflection to call notice to an area of improvement then asking all members to walk along aside you as you delve deeper into the matter is extremely powerful.
I plan to use action research as I begin to identify at risk students and data their track progress. This will allow me to see instruction that is effective and provide feedback to their classroom teachers so that progress will continue to be made in the general education setting as well.

1 comment:

  1. Shawnda,

    Working with at-risk kids is a great task. So many times this student group is left on the outside looking in. You can stand in the gap as their champion! Great looking blog.
