Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 2 Reflection

As I begin to really focus in on my action research and decide between 2 very interesting topics I see the importance and the application seems much more doable. Each year our district mandates that each campus create a "Problem of Practice", this is something that the campus has identified as an area for improvement. I now know it to be action research. I'm excited that I do actually know how to do this and the task no longer seems as daunting.


  1. Week 2 made me feel a little more positive about diving off into my action research plan in the weeks to come. At my campus we do a lot of action research plans that I didn't know till now that is what they were called. So know I like to look at all 9 areas it talked about in the book to see if we can do some plans in all areas to improve our campus.

  2. So what have you decided to work on? Is it going to be around the "Problem of Practice?" It is great that your district is already doing things to improve what goes on at the campus level.
